Muramatsu America

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Each flute model bears the Muramatsu name and is built with the care and precision that has earned Muramatsu its reputation as one of the world’s finest professional flutes. The collection of instruments illustrated here offers a wide spectrum of choice that should satisfy the needs of all serious minded flutists. Whether your budget is limited, or if you are ready to make a significant investment for your career, the flute you choose will surely bring you years of musical joy and personal satisfaction. 

Since the first Muramatsu flute was created in 1923 by the late Koichi Muramatsu, thousands of artists worldwide have chosen Muramatsu over all other brands. Leadership was later passed to his son, Osamu Muramatsu and today the factory carries on the same tradition of excellence in flute-making under the direction of his grandson, Akio Muramatsu. Every flute that bears the Muramatsu name is built with the care and precision that has earned Muramatsu its reputation as one of the world’s finest professional flutes. Today Muramatsu sells more professional model flutes worldwide than any other flute maker.

America’s Sole Importer

Muramatsu flutes have been available for sale in the United States since 1975. Ervin Monroe was involved in this process as the artistic consultant. In 1995, Osamu Muramatsu personally selected Mr. Monroe to be president of the new North American distributorship, Muramatsu America. Muramatsu America is the exclusive distributor for Muramatsu flutes in North and South America. We are pleased to offer American flutists the convenience of our complete sales and service facilities.